HQ Architecture [Search results for Monument]

Lubiana, Slovenia: Monument For All Victims by Dekleva Gregoric Arhitekti

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: National Holocaust Monument Competition

Donaustadt, 1220 Vienne, Austria: “Monument in Fertile Country” by Itch Studio

Near East: Turkish court declares Hagia Sophia a 'monument museum'

Near East: New materials needed to rebuild monuments in Syria's Palmyra

Heritage: Important ancient Macedonian tomb in Thessaloniki open to public

Suffolk, Regno Unito: Martello Tower “Y” by Piercy Conner Architects

India: 2,000 year old Ashoka Pillar in Delhi suffers heavy damage

India: Yellowing Taj Mahal to go under scaffold for 'mud pack'

Underwater Archaeology: France claims rights to shipwreck linked to lost colony of Fort Caroline

Southern Europe: British MPs introduce Bill to return Parthenon Sculptures to Greece

Seul, Corea del Sud: Extension to the Royal Academy of Art by Van Mourik

Granada, Provincia di Granada, Spagna: the Alhambra'S New Gate by ÁLvaro Siza + Juan Domingo Santos

Palms Depot — house design

Palms Depot — house design

Esbjerg, Danimarca: Syd Energi Headquarters by Gpp Arkitekter

Southern Europe: First-ever legal bid for return of Parthenon Sculptures to Greece thrown out by European Court of Human Rights

Bochum, Germania: Neues Gymnasium by Hascher Jehle Architektur

Italy: Rome shows off cleaned-up Colosseum

Varsavia, Polonia: Museum of the History of Polish Jews by Lahdelma & MahlamÄKI