HQ Architecture [project]
Conservatoire D'Aubervilliers by FranÇOis Chochon & Laurent Pierre Architectes
EQ Tower by Elenberg Fraser
Miami, Florida, Stati Uniti: Faena Arts Center by Oma
Melbourne Victoria, Australia: EQ. Tower by Elenberg Fraser
Fuel Share App For Shell
The Cocoon by Planning Korea
The Center of Watersports [UK/London]
The Architectural Project of a Hybrid Zone (Singapore)
The Futuristic Library
Quality Britain Skyscraper
Futuristic Project of Natural Skyscraper
New building of embassy of the USA in London
Coop Himmelb(l)au will receive a prize for the future tower
Bank of Ethiopia
Art pavilion from company Carmody Groarke
The project «Samoo Architects and Engineers»
The green fruitful project
The Alternative Skyscraper in New York
The Modern Italian Bridge
Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology